It seems like what you're writing about ( freedom and rights) should be just plain old common sense. But in my 3 years of research, since Awakening, I've discovered just how organized the enemy is. After completing 18 months of detoxing and decalsifying my pineal gland( which is our connection to God), I realized how effective they've been in getting humanity here. Every area of our life has been highjacked to produce this result. What I mean is there's an actual faction of humanity that literally cannot hear the truth. One example is the fluoride in our water and toothpaste creates docile behavior.. . Which is why this example in Idaho is wonderful in showing humanity the power in being awake and aware of our rights!! Ty Justin!

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Amen Deb. There are so many subtle influences that get people to tune out of reality and therefore become a liability for a truly free people. Thankfully there's a lot more awareness for these things over the past few years than there was before, it seems.

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I'm not even Christian, I'm Jewish, but this is incredible! NO ONE should dare to stop peoples rights to exercise religion. Especially since its apparently more loving and tolerant and virtuous to wave lgbtq flags and have nude men dance in a parade...

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Jul 5Liked by Justin Deschamps

Justin, the NRA? You mean the ATF?

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Quite right. Thanks for pointing that out. That said, the NRA as an association does act as a bureaucratic entity in that it serves the people as a trustee. Therefore, when a trustee seeks to violate the trust of the grantor (the person(s) who gave it life via their rights and consent) then that entity must be dissolved or reformed.

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