The City Banned Crosses, But Citizens Fought back and Won on the 4th of July 2024
They were told to hide their faith, but they refused
Patriots who know their rights and follow the rule of law always win when they invoke their God-given, unalienable rights. This is an inspiring lesson for all of us who are downtrodden, living in an ever-right-suppressing power-hungry deep state.
Prior to the parade, the city authorities decided to ban all religious and political symbols. But due to outrage, the city overturned its decision, and in an inspiring display, the parade was filled with crosses.
The city in Idaho overturned the decision that banned crosses and religious symbols for the 4th of July parade, before the parade took place.
Initial social media posts were interpreted by viewers to mean that the citizens of Coeur d’Alene decided bring their crosses in violation of the regional authority’s decision. This, however, was entirely accurate.
Coeur d’Alene banned crosses, and, according to CBS KREM2 news, all “‘Symbols associated with specific political movements, religions, or ideologies’ were unacceptable.”
The Coeur d'Alene Regional Chamber, the governing body over the town, made the decision due to "numerous complaints about displays that people found offensive, including 'Confederate flags, derogatory illustrations, harsh politically-based language, and graphic photographs,'" wrote Linda Coppess, chamber president and CEO, in response to questions from The Press, as reported by a local news outlet. The Regional Chamber, “consulted national organizations to ensure its guidelines were transparent and fair,” she wrote.
These undisclosed national consultants, in my view, took a rather unpatriotic and freedom-suppressing attitude toward religious symbols and constitutionally protected free speech. The nation for which the town resides, the United States of America, is, after all, one founded on the sacred right of freedom of speech, which the founding fathers and scores of other Americans fought and died for.
Due to public outrage over the decision, Coppess, likely with the Regional Chamber in support, overturned it just before the parade on July 4.
Who exactly were these "national organizations"? I wasn’t able to uncover the names of these consultants. However, given the agenda to suppress patriotic dissent, particularly from Christians, I wouldn't be surprised if it was associated with a three-letter agency or George Soros. Despite my suspicions, the citizens of Coeur d'Alene's response is inspiring and serves as a reminder of the immense power we, the people, possess, which we often misuse.
What I think this means for freedom, patriotism, and the future
People are fundamentally good, in my opinion, unless they have experienced abuse and hurt to the point where their unhealed pain lashes out at others. Numerous studies confirm that people who abuse others are themselves victims of abuse. This is why the globalists use trauma and violence so much in their attempts to recruit the masses into legions of violent activists. Is it any wonder why ANTIFA, for instance, has a pedophile problem and is likely filled with people who were in some measure hurt as children?
I also believe that people, especially American patriots, are fundamentally law-abiding and tolerant, possibly to a fault. As I discussed in the brief history for the article Dear Patriots: We’ve Suffered Greatly, But We’re Winning, and the Fight Isn’t Over, the technocratic globalists are planning some of the most insidious and horrific changes to our already broken civilization. And despite these things, we are winning in ways that we should all rightly feel pleased about.
We can have a world free of tyrants, manipulative media, and corporations. We can live in a world characterized by freedom, prosperity, and freedom for ourselves and our children. We face the imminent threat of a technocratic tyranny—a world where indoctrination indoctrinates our children, toil consumes our lives, and the elite inflicts industrial-grade abuses upon humanity, all in the name of inclusivity, non-violence, and sustainability. However, we already possess the solution, and it's been in our hands since the founding of our country.
God gave us defenses and tools (our free will, minds, and rights) that are so powerful they cannot be taken from us—that’s what unalienable means. The forces of evil, the globalists, know this all too well, and in their scheming, they realize that they have to convince us not to use these weapons of freedom and prosperity—they have to distract us and make us forget we have them in the first place.
The founding fathers provided for the inevitability that a government would become corrupt, giving us the Office of the Sheriff, which is the highest authority the people have. This is just one of many safeguards we've been indoctrinated to forget about. The Office of Sheriff has the constitutional authority to kick out and dissolve any bureaucratic entity that has lost its way and is now turning against the people and their freedoms. This is true for the CIA, the ATF, or even the Regional Chamber in the city of Coeur d’Alene. However, if the people believe they have no rights or defenses, this tool cannot function effectively. That’s why globalists and their allies in the media use propaganda so widely to make us believe going along with these right-depriving agendas and policies is what good citizens should do, when it’s nothing but the opposite.
The situation can be summed up as follows.
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Imagine a family that is well-armed, has shotguns, handguns, and years of training. With these defenses, the family can guard against any intrusion, especially burglars. Knowing this, the crafty burglars, with their sights set on this family's wealth, decide to use a clever scheme. Through a religious pamphlet, they persuade the family that the best course of action during a robbery is to surrender to the attackers' demands, thereby ensuring their safety and "acting like good nonviolent Christians." It works; the family agrees with the pamphlet. Soon after, the family was robbed, and during the robbery, the weapons and careful training were never used; they left these tools of defense unused. And worse, the family was killed during the robbery.
I believe our fellow Americans, and people in general all over the world, are experiencing the same situation. We've been convinced that there is no way to defend ourselves, and that the best response to those who seek to deprive us of life, liberty, and property is to go along with it and not offer any resistance. More than this, they've encouraged us to overlook the fact that the founding fathers provided us with the necessary tools to halt this madness, and there are numerous examples of their effectiveness that haven't resulted in a situation like Waco, Texas.
The people of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, have shown what unity in valid defense under the rule of law looks like. And they are not alone; there are people all over the world resisting globalism's theft and murderousness. Here in the US, we have tools the founders gave us; we have shutguns and knowledge sitting in our laps waiting to be used to defend ourselves; if only we’d use them, we’d ward off the invaders.
The other ingredient the Coeur d’Alene citizens had was unity and knowledge. With these two things in hand, we can use the rights God granted us for our protection to defend ourselves against any attack. It won’t be easy, necessarily, but ultimately, it will be successful.
Happy 4th of July weekend, friends.
Please tell me what you think or let me know if I got something wrong. I want to hear from you.
Much love,
Justin Deschamps is a researcher, omniologist, podcaster, and business consultant who has committed himself to restoring the knowledge, reason, and goodwill that helped the founding fathers create the greatest nation on earth.
It seems like what you're writing about ( freedom and rights) should be just plain old common sense. But in my 3 years of research, since Awakening, I've discovered just how organized the enemy is. After completing 18 months of detoxing and decalsifying my pineal gland( which is our connection to God), I realized how effective they've been in getting humanity here. Every area of our life has been highjacked to produce this result. What I mean is there's an actual faction of humanity that literally cannot hear the truth. One example is the fluoride in our water and toothpaste creates docile behavior.. . Which is why this example in Idaho is wonderful in showing humanity the power in being awake and aware of our rights!! Ty Justin!
I'm not even Christian, I'm Jewish, but this is incredible! NO ONE should dare to stop peoples rights to exercise religion. Especially since its apparently more loving and tolerant and virtuous to wave lgbtq flags and have nude men dance in a parade...