Jun 4Liked by Justin Deschamps

logic. illogic. rational. irrational. truth. deception. self-deception. i suppose it does come down to choosing to know or choosing to admit rather than denying, deflecting, or excusing.

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Ecclesiastical 10:2 the heart of the wise inclines toward the right but the heart of the fool inclines to the left.

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Jun 4Liked by Justin Deschamps

That slack-jawed look on her face as cognitive dissonance hits the wall of accountability is quite stunning. She really ran with the insults, "bronzer stained bed" yada yada yada. She shouldered down into the Trump hatred and lit all the ignition words she could find. The Golden Rule of Matthew 7:12 KJV (Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.) and really all of Matthew 7:1-12 KJV is on display there. No one likes that stunned feeling. I'm impressed that she surfaced long enough to have that stunned expression. That means she heard what he was saying and now she has to either shove that down deep in the memory hole, (if she is still in fight or flight mode), or is examining what the heck just happened to her publicly as she was publicly accusing someone else. Only one of those ways leads her to a free mind, 2 Corinthians 3:17 KJV. Also, the founders hated democracies and specifically avoided that form of government which is mob rule that God is against.

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Love the biblical perspectives, as always

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