Jan 27Liked by Justin Deschamps

Evil has taken on a whole new meaning. When you think there is no way this stuff could happen, there it is right in front of you.

Keep up the great work!!

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Beautifully written and filled with factual content. Thank you for this excellent article. I appreciate your taking the time and care to describe what it is is like to know the truth that few dare confront. It's a curse, as we who confront the truth will never have the lives we used to lead of feeling comfortable and a sense of peace. All of that is gone. On the other hand, confronting the dark truth can and does make someone like you and other brave truth tellers compelled to investigate, verify, and base conclusions on facts and a critical independent evaluation of all the evidence...as well as to then share the truths with as many people as possible, so we can stand with you. For only when enough of us stand up to these hideous acts of evil, can we fight and defeat them. And to inspire us to do so, rather than remaining in a comfortable bubble of a once-cherished but false notion of the world we live in, all we need do is compare our discomfort and mental distress of knowing the truth to the brutal reality of the torture, abuse, fear, and pain these innocent children are going through. Then the choice to speak, to act...becomes crystal clear. Thank you for being a light-bearer for truth and humanity.

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Wow. You honor me. I hope I can live up to these beautifully written words. Thankfully there has been a slow to build yet powerful shift in the attitudes against this insidious thing. I have confidence that a time is coming when the days of casual abuse will come to an end.

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Thanks Justin. 🙏🏻👊🏻

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