Jun 23Liked by Justin Deschamps

Thanks for offering such a well considered article. On the surface, your discussions of 'occultism' provides a nice introduction to the meta-cognitive work that needs to be started to 'get behind' the facade of cultural realities. I suggest that 'symbolism' only 'represents' realities to the 'uninitiated'. Real occult realities are, like physical reality, is experiential.

Plato's cave is an interesting analogy to include. Almost everyone can 'get' its multi-dimensional meaning about mistaking the reflections for reality. However,

There are three specific aspects of the Plato's cave story that may be understood as 'symbols' for another 'occult' dimension. Three things are necessary for this story to have it's particular meaning; a light, a cave and an observer. These 'things' are symbols.

Define the meaning and relationship of 'light', 'cave' 'observer' at a non-physical level and the symbolism of 'good' and 'evil' and the 'I' (sense of self) may be understood without the cultural baggage usually associated with them.

Those with eyes will see ♡

In relation to Mr's Biden and Trump, they do what they do.

What if Melania is one of those 'beautiful extraterrestials' whispering in Mr Trump's ear.

Now that is a cool conspiracy theory! ♡

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Great insights. I can tell you've done some good thinking. I wonder what, if any, of these things will be spoken to explicitly in the future by Trump et al. Time will tell.

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This is excellent writing. I've known most of these things because I began following Q since early 2018. I researched and 'went down the rabbit hole' as they say. I learned the language and how Q forced followers to dig for more information. When followers analyzed Q's messages and shared their research with other Anons, I researched their comments. In this way, one person helped thousands, maybe millions to wake up. There is the Q Clock which is hard for me to understand since it involves numbers and dates. Q forced people to learn that evil is real, and how the globalists want us to serve them. We are 'useless eaters' in their view.

I appreciate your analysis of how the media has controlled the public and our way of living through media. You write about how the concept 'we are living in a movie' may be true or not. I believe we are. It's spiritually based. Good vs evil. Your analysis of The Matrix is very good as a way people are trapped plus The Allegory of the Cave. I've always felt since I was young like I was living in a movie but I didn't realize how most of the world is in the same movie. A small number of the elite direct this movie just as a small number control the majority. We are waking up, some sooner than others. I've noticed that more people are writing and talking about these things.

Joe Biden is a completely different Biden. I started thinking that way around the time he entered the presidential race as you say. Many people notice different facial features. Actors could be wearing a mask to look like Biden, but he seems different every day. One thing I notice, which I haven't heard anyone mention, is how the old Biden had a mean look in his eyes. Where I come from, that's a way to describe the feeling you get about their soul or their spirit. You can tell a lot about a person by their eyes, by the way they look you. The old Biden had a mean look and personality. This one is a bumbling, stuttering crazy old man who needs to be in the nursing home in the Alzheimers Unit. Or it it all an act? Sometimes it's too much. Bad acting where the actor tries too hard. They aren't a great actor who can be the main character. I never considered that Obama could be one of the people behind the mask. Obama is very slim like Biden so that makes sense. But I've thought Obama was behind the scenes. And the ear lobes are often different.

I've read your articles before but this is the best.


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Thanks Kay for sharing all this. I think it helps to know how much our personal insights aren't as crazy as we think, especially with subjects like this.

I'm glad you enjoyed this article. I haven't written one with this style of deep concepts, analysis and some of the bigger theories in a while. It was my go to for most of my alt-media contributions before Q was a thing.

Time willing, more will be forthcoming.

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Jun 23Liked by Justin Deschamps

It’s wonderful!! Thank you!

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Jun 23Liked by Justin Deschamps

Wow, Justin! Although I am familiar with each of the topics you addressed in this article, you have made the (critical) connections between what I’m familiar with and the ‘grand design’ of the ‘good guys’ vs the ‘bad guys’! This has solidified my opinion that all of this IS related, from ancient Plato to the CIA’s direct involvement in all the various means of media propaganda to running drugs to fund their coups, etc. There isn’t any part of this that doesn’t make sense to me. For example, the 2004 coup in Ukraine was followed by Luger and Obama in 2005 looking to establish DoD bio labs there…. Then, Obama’s next CIA coup in 2014…. You’ve listed so many things about the Q plan (I’ve thought for years this was an O plan) that describe what has been occurring and the importance of misinformation; however, I didn’t think about PSYOPS being for good. That is the huge thing I learned today from your article. I will return to this article in the future as it is excellent!! God bless you for this research and your willingness to teach us.🙏🇺🇸🙏

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You have my thanks for the feedback. I've got more like this in the pipeline. The rabbit hole is so deep on these things.

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Jun 23Liked by Justin Deschamps

Took my time reading this, but it was fantastic. I sincerely appreciate your deeply thoughtful approach to all these subjects - especially the light vs dark occult practices. Satanic inversion is one of the biggest dangers for our times, and I have noticed more and more “religious” people attacking all things secret and/or sacred because they share some symbology with Masonic or other ancient traditional knowledge. I’ve always assumed that was an over-simplistic characterization by the religious “conspiracy” proponents, but you can’t reason with them that this kind of occult practice for light purposes predates the current evil that has infested everything. It is Lucifer’s nastiest trick to turn people against actual pursuit of light and knowledge through more sacred means by conflating it with his own darkness. A concept I have been trying to verbalize, but you have done so beautifully. Thank you!

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"It is Lucifer’s nastiest trick to turn people against actual pursuit of light and knowledge through more sacred means by conflating it with his own darkness." Well said my friend. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Deschamps

DAAMN what a fabulous read. 🔥. Thank you.

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Deschamps

I can understand and the mask .. but the voice? How could they change the voice?

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If you're talking about video with Biden's darker neck color, it's probably a deep fake.

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No, I'm saying that if people are wearing masks I can understand that they can look like Biden, but how could they sound like him?

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They can find people that sound like him. I suspect they can also use technology or do a certain type of surgery that can change the way the voice sounds.

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Jun 23Liked by Justin Deschamps

There is an actress on Yellowstone that sounds like us, but in an interview, her voice was completely different….she has a strong British accent! People can be taught how to speak completely different….most actors, in fact.

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Wow, great stuff here, thank you! I keep asking myself, what would be the purpose of NOT blowing Biden's cover sooner? What do you think in your gut is the reason why this charade is permitted to continue? Awesome stuff...

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finally someone talking about this! It is mind-blowing to see pretty much no alternative media people - claiming to dig for truth - bring this up ... They debate about immigration, international policy ... when the very guy at the top - is a fraud ...

it should be the first question to address

as Biden is not Biden - everything else is a fraud and circus.

The simple question of who is this clown and who knows- has huge consequences in terms of responsibility and also harm. We won't go into the fake inauguration - with obvious clear sky on screen and overcast sky in Washington ... the circus is on ...

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