I often push for world peace... part of that process is comprehending what kind of fight is required. The question that came to me was how do you fight an enemy that has nuclear weapons, standing armies, and numerous fleets on the water.... When that becomes your enemy how does the little man in his nowhere town deal with his enemies??? Well what comes to me was a saying I heard a few decades ago. If it's in your life, you created it or allowed it through your choices... Personal responsibility for everything that is in your life.... So if there was a fight to be had, I was my own worst enemy... Therefore the only conclusion i could determine that would work!!!! Eliminate the conflict that lies within me. And I will eliminate all conflict without me... The internal knowledge / battle is the one most avoided by most!!! Walk your day in Love or above, God is Love, when you walk your day in Love you install the full armor of God. God is Love, Love conquers fear... God eliminates your fear so you can focus on higher consciousness informational downloads and process them into actions for God... Peace...

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Beautiful. I couldn’t agree more. The best vengeance is success.

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When you said "The globalists want legions of black people pilled because black people don’t think critically or practically." did you actually mean to say "The globalists want legions of black pilled people because black pilled people don’t think critically or practically."?

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Seems so. Someone needs to hire a proofreader.

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Do you mean “seize” the day instead of cease the day?

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The black Pillers I run into watch CNN, read headlines from Facebook leads, mostly MSM… not any of them would be classified as thinking individuals either.

Since the majority of fake “votes” are cast from voter rolls including DMV, your vote for any candidate or ballot measure does not count.

Currently Trump has 70% of the country endorsing him and the other 30% are made up of Bug Thinking individuals like the collective commies, blackmailed individuals and Borg minded (woke) insects.

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Good, wholesome rant! Hey, Justin, you might remember me, we chatted privately re one of your previous articles.

It sounds like you might be a future new dad? And, you're reading about "understanding children" (if you will). Check out these parenting books. I used all three books, in fact, I taught the classes (I have all the Kits - the Kits are for the teachers/leaders of parenting classes/groups), and they are great! There are different books for parents of different children's ages. If you're a new parent, start with the "Early Childhood" book, naturally. Happy parenting!

The parenting program is called: "STEP: Systematic Training for Effective Parenting"


It's an old site. To get to the order form go to the "How to Purchase" link under the "Order STEP Books and Kits" menu, then scroll down to the order form (pdf). The Kits, which are expensive, are for STEP Parenting teachers/group leaders. The books (found on the order form) for parents are much cheaper, $20-something, listed on the STEP_Product-Order2011.pdf. I would give them a call first (I checked the phone#, it's still good, but they're only open 11am-3pm EST), you can order over the phone. Oh, and I'm so glad you're able to recover from your emergency hospitalization. God bless you and your family.

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Wokeism and Black Pillers

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