Jan 6Liked by Justin Deschamps

I just wanted to thank you for this article and having recently discovered Knowledge Based, my mind and world view is growing. While I have found excellent resources on faith, I hadn't found anything on the sciences. So, I am thankful that God has lead me to your work as I am finding my mind getting answers to questions I longed to know or that have been intentionally hidden from us.

I appreciate the effort and work you and Jordan put out and it's profound impact on me which in turn effects my circle and helps me to enlighten others, which I interpret to be the "ascension" that Q mentions.

All God's best, Jim aka Jammer1776

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Thanks for the gracious comment Jammer. I see you in the chat from time to time. I can tell you that faith is crucial and so is reason, logic and honesty inquiry. However, the various religions of our world have for the most part and in substance, in my opinion, been hijacked by the death cult, who have so thoroughly gutted them that they are providing only a few drops of the living waters I think Jesus came here to so abundantly pour out on all who seek it out. As a result, there are many mindless adherents who dismiss and attack anything and anyone who dares to talk about these subjects with anything less than the standard Christianesse rhetoric. Ironically, if Jesus were alive today, I think he would be dismissed by many Christians, just as he was dismissed by the Jews, en masse, in his day. For my part, I can and will seek the truth wherever it leads as the truth is, again, in my opinion, the true “living word” that we hear about. This means that the modern day scribes, who worship text and combat those willing to think critically, will inevitably be confronted by me and people who form a personal relationship with God and his Son, above blind adherence to formal doctrine and dogma. I invite you to be critical of me, my ideas, and my assessments. And I invite you to offer up your own insights when you feel called. In my honest opinion there are a great many followers of Christ that have been duped into a series of crypto cults that use them like pawns for the synagogue of Satan, so to speak. I want you to know where I’m coming from and be aware that my loyalty is to God, Jesus, and the truth above all else. Good to connect with you, Jim.

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Thank you for your sincere reply and insights into your world view. And I confess to feeling the same as my journey through Bible College then ministry led me to questioning how the Western Church with it's groups, dogmas and prestine buildings often limited the mission of Christ as they unintentionally create a box that we can't see out of.

While not opposed to "church" (Ph 1:17) , my own views have followed another path since my disappointment in them and their response to covid. Not, one of feeling superior rather one of inquiry and curiosity of what other presuppositions that I hold and have been taught are incorrect or need tweaking. Plus each man's journey is their own and I adhere to the saying, we each have as much of God/truth that we want.

So, I find the things you and Jordan teach resonating with me. And I consider how God wants us to expand our minds as well as our spirits to bring us freedom from ourselves and the prison we often build in our own minds.

I also consider the timing of these discoveries as in my case, at one point the discussion of the Urantia papers would have had me screaming heresy, but years later after reading the works of Dr. Michael Heiser on the Divine Council I listened with curiosity instead.

Anyway, I am glad my journey has led me to your work and that hopefully I could encourage you both to continue as the Great Awakening has opened minds to the very subjects you discuss. They are filling a thirst for truth a discovery that I believe God has out in us all for the realities of this cosmos we are living in.

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Jan 6Liked by Justin Deschamps

Justin I have followed your efforts since the first Stillness days...

I appreciate the wide swath of subjects/vocations you have mastered, for it gives you great perspective from which to glean salient points of wisdom, and then to express it.

I am glad to be in your sphere.


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Nice to connect and long overdue by the sounds of it

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Jan 6Liked by Justin Deschamps

When each man conquers the beast of fear, cowardice, and ignorance within himself.


and there is Gods Plan for Planet Earth :

THE LORD'S SERMONS Gottfried Mayerhofer



the clearest given in german language.


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Mankind suffers due to a lack of faith in God. But I'm thinking that's going to change!

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Jan 6Liked by Justin Deschamps


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Excellent application of AI to pull back the veil!

Thank you, Justin!

I wonder how AI might develop the "rebel alliance" in this fictional story so they could "destroy the death star"?

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