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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Biden "suddenly" dropping dead will also serve a second purpose in addition to garnering sympathy for the Democrat election campaign.


If this is the real Biden then in his demented state he's a giant security risk for the Deep State, who knows what he'll blab about to the caregivers and assistants around him.

Now we know Jill Biden is in on all of these shenanigans and is Joe's immediate controller in a literal sense.

I think she is also a bad security risk as well, and this includes Hunter because he's an idiot and has a major vice which is a weak point which can be exploited by the patriots.

If they eliminate Joe Biden they might as well eliminate Jill and Hunter as well, so I predict there might be tragic accident when all three of them(and any personal assistants) are together, say in a major plane crash as Biden leaves the WH for emergency treatment.

This will serve to make the Biden's martyrs on the alter of political marketing and silence any potentially troublesome witnesses who can't be called later to testify if inconvenient investigations come up. Recall that the Clintons and Obama don't have any qualms about eliminating low level minions if they pose the slightest risk.

The "coincidental" death of Sheila Jackson Lee recently, who had an oversight role over the Secret Service, just happens to close off yet another security risk in any potential Trump assassination plan.

Remember, the Cabal doesn't like loose ends and have a tendency to dispose of pawns they no longer have a use for.

So I wouldn't be surprised if there were a large scale "mop up" operation underway to eliminate anyone connected to the Trump assassination attempt.

Recall what happened to all the witnesses during the Las Vegas mass shooting in 2017.

Watch the obituaries for coincidental deaths in the next few weeks of low level minions and maybe even the soon to be Ex-director of the Secret Service.

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