"I personally believe that all acts of true and genuine righteousness are divinely inspired and divinely supported."

There are no coincidences!

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So true and well said. Looking back at older interviews of Trump before he ran for office, his vision was always the same. He believed in America and loved the freedom it represented. He is so successful because he is single-minded. It is this conviction, and his courage to stand by it, that they hate. Jesus set the example and I agree that while Trump is not Christ, he certainly is Christ-like which is what we are all called to be.

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Great post Justin, once you see the play book of the deep state, you see it in every false flag event they concoct. Their play book is similar to a pop warner football team. 4-6 plays practiced over and over. They have no imagination to create new plays on their own so they can only use the basic plays. We The People have Several NFL team's play books and can imagine changing minor pieces of one of the plays to make it more effective. JFK, Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas, Oklahoma City, 9/11/01, and the latest Covid 19 are all the most in your face false flags the deep state has tried to use against We The People. The last one woke many. Many more are awakening as the truth slowly drips out about the Bio-weapon being used as a "Vaccine." When they have to redefine a word to make it fit their agenda the agenda becomes exposed exponentially. Cannabis had a lot to do with waking me up. Finally digging deep and understanding how they made it "Illegal" showed me the levels and lies they use to manipulate We The People. God Wins!!! Those who walk their day in Love are with God because God is Love... Great article... Peace...

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Given that Trump also speaks in code for those with eyes to see and ears to hear…the correlation was not lost on me, either.

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I think well said. I would only add that the enemy thinks in terms of us vs them and tries to eradicate who they perceive as their enemy. God's Way is an extreme outreach to them, to get off the bad path of nihilism for themselves and others before the set time of Him pouring out His cup of wrath happens.. God's Way is where He and His family are working to help the lost ones see His Truth and real life for their own souls, Ezekiel 18:23, 32, 2 Peter 3:9 KJV. God had one pharisee, of the Sanhedrin, that worked for Him and was perfectly placed to be legal kinsman redeemer for the Body of Christ that no one, not the church, not the Roman government, could argue or block from placing the Body of Christ into his own rich man's tomb, fulfilling Scripture. He was wealthy from the tin mines in Glastonbury area that He took Jesus to visit several times during the so called 'lost years' where not much is mentioned in Scripture of Jesus' young life. But, there is much secular evidence to support this.

The "cup" that Jesus prayed 3 times to pass from Him, is the cup of God's fury and wrath that He will pour out on the non-repentant wicked ones at His return. He came as a babe in a manger, gently teaching and healing in outreach for the invitation of salvation of the eternal soul, and He was an Innocent Man, falsely accused, Matthew 26:59-60 KJV, framed for breaking His own Law, mocked as King, and crucified. That cup of God's wrath will be poured out by Him at His return. Here is a Bible study about Matthew 26:39 KJV https://youtu.be/iHFRNwurErc?feature=shared&t=1034 Here is another topical Bible study about "The Cup" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzwwLfGIHCk Keep in mind, that pastor passed on in early 2014, so the studies are prior to that.

I laughed when I read about Jonah, because I identify with it so much, the anger of Jonah when he was told to go give God's invitation to the lost ones who Jonah knew would attack his people in the future. The part where the gourd dies, Jonah must've been so pissed! Jonah, chapter 4 is so funny if you've ever been mad at God. https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/jon/4/7/s_893007 I have had moments where my lack of understanding God's will and outreach to the very ones who cause His family so much harm has caused me to melt down like that. I saw another Christian talking about this anger of being mad at God, recently, Rachel Maria, here https://youtu.be/EXuI6-dxA38?feature=shared&t=70 Christians have real relationships with God, He already knows we are mad, most of all He wants us to keep communicating with Him and learning of Him and His will, Isaiah 43:26 KJV Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.

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Justin, can you let us know where we can find more information about the cancer cures you discovered, please?

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Such a good writing. Thank you.

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we’ll have wait and see what happens. i’ve wondered the alternate. how would the anti-christ go about business? would he make the obvious evil look competent, or would he make it look incompetent? would a majority willingly follow an obviously evil anti-christ or would they follow an anti-christ that offered a seeming alternative to lowercase evil while actually being uppercase evil?

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Excellent piece. 2 separate prophetic leaders said Trump has a Cyrus Anointing from Isaiah 45-45th President, I believe it.

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