On Lyme disease, maybe it’s worth noting, or maybe not, but when I got really aggressive with trying to get to the bottom of my two autistic boys’ health and underlying physical triggers for their behaviors, one of them consistently tested positive for b. burgdorferi - even though he had never been bitten by a tick (that we knew of) and the area we live in does not typically have ticks with the bacteria. (Someday I’ll write about my exchange with the local public health department about it - every time he was tested - and how that experience made me doubt any intelligence coming from “public” health, making it very easy to see through the covid mess super early.)

If Lyme is a bioweapon, and I think it is, it’s probably doing more than just making people physically ill. It’s probably contributing to the wave of neurological development problems of children.

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Fabulous tip on using this mushroom, especially re the gargling idea. I will be adding it to my arsenal.

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Good article,Justin.I am a mycophile and take functional mushrooms every day with my morning coffee.I haven’t tried Agaricon but know of them.I take the whole fruiting body,water and alcohol extracted.This is to get the maximum benefit of the beta glucans and and triterpenes.Each type of mushroom has it’s own superpower.I either take them individually or blend them (stacking).I look forward to trying the Agarikon.I’ve tried Lions Mane,Turkey Tails,Cordyceps,Reishi,Chaga,Maitake and Tremella.They have all been clinically studied and I swear by their health benefits for general wellbeing.Looking forward to more of these types of articles.Thank you,Justin.

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Thank you! I never heard of this Agaricon but I love reading about it and look forward to looking into it more.

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I do take 3 different mushroom teas but not Agarikon , so I’m going to order some for that sinus issue. Thanks Justin.

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Justin -

A couple years ago Joe Oltmann from Conservative Daily and some other folks too, all got very sick after one of the Reawaken tours. You should compare notes with him because his illness too was very bizarre and he wondered about some pathogen in Ventilation system. I don’t think he ever again associated with that group because he felt it was intentional from what I gathered.

Also - Lyme Disease - oh yes a government project. You should read “Bitten” by Kris Newby. Very interesting to say the least.

Last, did you read my message in comments of one of your recent posts about the Fed rolled into Treasury issue? I added something.

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