Jul 21Liked by Justin Deschamps

There is enough evidence to suggest that Justin is correct and Lame Stream Media is complicit in their investigative reporting, or lack there of. 🇺🇸🙏

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Jul 21Liked by Justin Deschamps

Long explanation but very believable.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

I believe this article to be true in so far as it applies to the North American theatre of war but not the overall operations of the Cabal.

The fight for the US is the key to winning this war and it's always been that way but the other theatre operations are needed as well.

One signal that the Deep State/Cabal are beginning their disintegration phase is the Balkanization of the Cabal, which is becoming increasingly obvious in 2024 but was started in 2017.

A good primer video is https://youtu.be/NOiaymqaQdc

The Cabal is a Mafia of Mafias, all held together in what is likely a criminal council/roundtable of hereditary clans/families at the very top run along the lines of long standing traditions similar to the European aristocratic houses.

These ruling crime families all have equal power because any imbalance between them is a major weakness to the whole group and is carefully maintained but none of them trust any of the other families.

Remember the term First Among Equals applies here, no particular group has an obvious advantage over all the others(before the start of this war).

But what I believe happened is that in 2017, Trump and the white hat alliance launched a multi-pronged attack on the Cabal at the highest levels of their elites and their upper middle management(see video linked above).

Recall at that time Trump went on a world tour to Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican, Russia, China and the UK, in the wake of that tour things seem to change on the world stage.

This is a multi-pronged war on several "fronts" or theatres of war.

the North American theatre(the key front in this war).

the Western European theatre(the NATO brotherhood)

the Slavic/Russian theatre(the kinetic front of the war)

the Middle Eastern theatre

the East Asian theatre.

the African theatre.

Each region encompasses a part of "The Plan", each region had to be addressed separately but simultaneously.

Now 7 years later we have Russia in the process of neutralizing Ukraine, China ‘neutralized’ North Korea allowing the summit with Trump and also an understanding over Taiwan, the fake Pope in the Vatican all but surrendered their financial power in the Vatican Bank and pushed the woke agenda so hard it alienated traditional Catholics, in the process exposing the pedo-priesthood as part of the great awakening.

Saudi Arabia cleansing their corrupt princes in a classics game of thrones scenario and putting MBS at the head of the table.

Visiting the UK and walking ahead of the Queen, a violation of protocol so large it normally would’ve caused a diplomatic incident, instead it was ignored and not commented on widest in the English press.

These are only a few examples but all are important.

To completely destroy the Cabal requires that their three main centers of power be neutralized.

The Vatican(the spiritual center of the Cabal)

The City of London(the financial center of the Cabal, this needs to be destroyed to completely neutralize the financial power of the Cabal's leadership)

Washington DC(the military center of the Cabal, DC needs to be defeated to end the threat of eternal wars and the ability of the Cabal to wage war on it's enemies)

The most difficult battle is the one against D.C., it's the most hardened target and the most "diversified" in terms of the number of types of interlinked criminal organizations running concurrently in that city and intertwined with the power of the government at all levels.

If things keep up the way they're going the desired end is the Cabal ending up in a civil war, where the regional elites turn on each other for power and control and to throw the other families under the bus to save themselves.

I think this article gets it right in that middle management is the key weakness, it's the weakest in the US government because of the structure of the government and the US constitution. Unlike the Parliamentary systems in the EU and the Commonwealth countries which give a lot more absolute power to the bureaucrats relative to the people and much more immunity to being removed.

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The Victoria Nuland alleged interview is fake. She is DEAD! She has been taken out months ago by special forces.

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I've heard this before but I haven't been able to confirm anything on that. Until proven otherwise I'm going to assess the information on it's face and keep an eye on all data points so as to not self deceive.

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Question: I understand that since the bullet only grazed Trump's ear, identifying the bullet/ hence it's potential source may very well be impossible. But my question is this: has any official ballistics report identified if in fact the bullets that killed & harmed the others - did they come from Crook's AR? I have not heard anything about the bullets & thus their true sources. Were all bullets retrieved decidedly identified as coming from the same weapon?

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Perfectly plausible. I like it. Great analysis of events and timeline. I hope it happens, and the quicker the better. Thanks Justin.

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The Victoria Nuland alleged interview is fake. She is DEAD! She has been taken out months ago by special forces.

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We can only hope this comes to pass. I have my doubts they are done. For instance, how likely is it the deep state pulls a "Sadam Hussein" and goes "scorched earth" in any number of ways in their flailing desperation to maintain power?

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