Nice research! Although (IMHO) Joe Briben is more aptly labeled as a "pawn" rather than a king. It is also arguable that we've been watching an actor or actors in rubber masks pull off this Demented Joe matrix nightmare. Since DT was targeted in a recent time-span, it is a conspiracy theorist's banquet at the table of the actual Kings that rule the USrael Govt. Also interesting to consider the mechanics of removing both candidates at the same time-- as Kamala recites her hypnotic/Mkultra cryptic-speech: "...what can be-unburdened by what has been." What has been is: the illusion of a choice--as in: a two party system financed via the same source. To "unburden the US citizens of choice", and without apology = installing Kamala as the "selection" (even if only as Barry's 'temporary placeholder'). Kamala (b. in Canada-not a native born citizen)will serve her handlers well as a 'beard' for all the millions that will come into her (I mean--Barry's) campaign war-chest. She's nothing less than a DS-bankster outpost and sleazy laundromat. It's plausible that a more slick pawn will be selected as an October surprise-stay tuned, folks! The DS and the crony Demonrats will follow their typical playbook, until the Globalista's tell the entire planet that CBDC and Social Credit Scores are the solution for "climate change." That's a worst case scenario. Best case scenario: More people will awaken to "see" the Matrix prison we've been existing in as Reality. Btw--isn't it timely that Piers Morgan suggested that America should return to its real King and Queen, the British Monarchy. Then again--Netty Yahoo was here this week posturing for support so the DS and minions in the Zionista cabal can continue laundering US treasury ducats and funding the KM. Kamala the 'Ho. And Briben' the mafia fixer. All working for ...?

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Well said my friend. All of these points are being foisted into the minds of the sleeping masses, forcing them open. Their ignorance is our enslavement, but that time is coming to an end.

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Don't we lose patience with the Sleeple, though? I'm struggling with the tolerance for ignorance. I'll wear my "intolerant" position with the most grace and creative expression as I'm able to muster. I appreciate the feedback, amigo! May the Farce be Wit You!

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Jul 12Liked by Justin Deschamps

Jason, that was excellent. Well thought out.

Thank you.

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How are they going to deal with the Biden problem. Inquiring minds want to know

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Anything is possible however I am thinking this action has been considered and planned for, if he’s ours

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