I am going to need to read this and Shaun Kenney's substack over and over...still in shock even though I like many others saw much of this coming. Thank you, Justin, for always putting it all out there...

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My pleasure :)

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Jul 14Liked by Justin Deschamps

Excellent read - thank you for your work!

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Jul 14Liked by Justin Deschamps

So well done, thank so much!!!

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Jul 15Liked by Justin Deschamps

Did anyone take a screenshot of him in the Blackrock deleted it.

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It's here in the post. I downloaded the video.

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I saved the link to the NY Post.

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Duh. I didn’t have the patience to scroll all the way down.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Justin Deschamps

This is 100% spot-on and very comprehensive, thanks. About Trump being protected. The Q drops told us he is 100% protected and safe, insulated from any harm. I had thought that basically meant that his security is the best there is, with Secret Service protection. But today we're asking real questions about the security provided by the Secret Service and we see how it could so easily be compromised, since the enemy controls the Secret Service under their administration. The Q drops talk about God's plan - "God wins" - and they talk about some esoteric things like the Looking Glass technology - "looking forward to look back". My point: If we take the Q drops at face value, they must be saying that Trump is divinely protected, because he wasn't and isn't protected completely on a physical level, as we saw today. If his protection was physical in nature, this would never have been allowed to occur. Is it really the case that the Q team is in touch with higher intelligences that operate on an angelic or divine connection, enough to know the future potentials to such a degree that they feel confident saying 'nothing can stop what is coming' and 'he is 100% protected'? Taking this even further, you noticed that Vincent Fusca did not appear to be alarmed. Is it actually a reasonable idea that he is read in to such a degree that he knows what is happening, even to the degree of knowing that despite all appearances, Trump is 100% safe? Crazy ideas maybe, but this is making me think.

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Great points my friend. I think Trump is divinely protected, with heaven's precision, while at the same time, Trump is protected by loyal patriots with human precision. That means, man's armor has chinks and holes, and God's hand coordinates so that, like we say with this, Trump can expose the corruption of our world without actual risk to his person, due to the protections of heaven. This is what my gut is telling me, despite the fact it I don't have a logical basis to be this as of yet. I'm of the opinion that the DS did want to try and kill Trump but in some way I can't know for certain about, he was protected and events played out in a perfect way to reveal more of the truth to the world and rally support behind him. The fact that he expressed such courage and good character is exactly what he needed to do even if he wasn't divinely protected. Such a divine paradox, which is the handy work of the divine father, IMO.

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Jul 15Liked by Justin Deschamps

JFK threatens to break up the CIA and scatter it to the winds. A few weeks later the CIA puts a bullet in his head.

Trump announces he will release the JFK files. A few weeks later the CIA puts a bullet in his head. It's pretty simple.

Initial reports of multiple shooters, patsy in plain sight killed, the others are allowed to escape, ties to CIA (Psychiatrist parents), ties to the Banksters (Blackrock commercial).

It is always the same.

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This pattern alone is a red pill for people to take and consider.

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Thank you for puttting this all together. Great job. I've been reading a lot about Communism, and personally spoken with people from China, Venezuela, & Cuba. They ALL told me they, with certainty, this was next.

Message me if you would like me to share the books I'm talking about.


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Sounds fascinating. I tried to message but it didn't work feel free to respond here.

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Superb! Benno

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Jul 15Liked by Justin Deschamps

What a great collection of information. Don't know how you put it all together so fast but I have it saved. All this "historical" information may become useful as the msm begins to twist it. As someone said, it may become such an important turning point in history that it will be like having a photo of Washington crossing the Delaware.

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I'm a bit obsessive when it comes to research, analysis, writing, and my work. It comes in handy for articles, scripts, and my book, and my wife is very gracious and supportive.

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You have a Gift and an Assignment. I'd say you are going to get a "Well done, faithful one" someday. Thank you for sharing your gift. I appreciate all of your work.

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"Don't know how you put it all together so fast but I have it saved."

My guess, A passion driven,. Righteous indignation of patriotism.


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Something came up yesterday on Jovan Pulitzer's channel on Rumble. Interview with WLT channel. Claims there were analyses using Audacity listening to the shots and he preliminarily believes there were two shooters... which would explain a lot. Get a pro who won't miss, have a putz on the roof being all bravado and showing off with his little range finder etc. Shoot that kid, put everyone's mind to rest that the shooter is gone. Meanwhile, the pro that missed by less than a centimeter slinks off undetected to try another day. Given what the kid's fellow rifle team members say about him, the shot that hit Trump in the Kevlar-protected pocket was probably him. The one that grazed Trump's ear was the REAL shooter... JMHO, I could be wrong

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