Looking forward to your research and insight. I have been digging in various areas of the problems that I see. I haven't digested Agenda 47 yet. I guess I need to get busy...hahaha. Or I will go over thess and see the areas that are not in my area of research. I've done a deep dive into LAW Land Air Water 3 authorities, 3 jurisdictions, 3 Constitutions and how the Crown controlled "Legal System" is a crime against We The People.. I look so forward to this... Peace...

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Excellent Grow. You'll have a good insight on these things then.

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You are the just right mind to dissect this Justin. I look forward to your assessment. One thing I hope you can cover is the useless 2party system...when I was in HighSchool Civics class it was demonstrated to be the doorway to all the "isms" of tyranny!

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Spot on. The two party system is hardly serving at this point. That said, when most of the population is asleep, it's a necessary vehicle. Sad thing is, there are really only two forms of government, one were the people are truly participating, in which case you can have real freedom, prosperity, and the like, or a government where most of the population is asleep, in which case, the self-select rulers have to play the manipulation game to maintain whatever order can be effected. IMO, this is why Trump has planned the game he has. Hopefully, at some point in the future, the dream of our founders can come to fruition, a government where WE THE PEOPLE are actually participating, not just being "served" by the self-select elite.

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So Justin, as you apply your thinking to the two-party system in your coming series, I have so many questions. It seems so many Americans still think we can vote our way out of this, with corrupt systems in place! I just don't get it---people know the machines are hooked to the internet... know thousands of voter rolls are compromised... know local systems and State officials are minions of the corrupt...and know that the current systems have been "selecting" chosen candidates for decades, and yet clamor everyone go vote like your life depends on it.

The idea of revolving council members for governance should be mentioned. Lets say a small/medium city has elected officers to conduct their process, for this requires special people skills and knowledge of procedure. Then from amongst your population, you a core of council members all with different skillsets and backgrounds agree to serve, around which there is a process for revolving participation. No one member is required at every single meeting for every issue.Yet, away from meeting room, each in their community are known as city leaders and remain links to the community at large. I suggest that any discussion around these two topics could be worthy of your examination.

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Interesting idea. If I understood your correctly, revolving council members would become servants of the community, with power over certain areas they are qualified for. These would be people chosen or who volunteer to serve and who have already proven themselves trustworthy and capable. If this is the gist, I think it satisfies an important requirement which is choosing people who are trustworthy, competent and, who've pledged not to personally enrich themselves with their position of authority.

To your first point, quite right. I don't think voting ourselves out of this is the solution. The election system is a mess and we need quality candidates with good proposals and most importantly a population capable of assessing the problems and what solutions are needed. Democracy, in this sense, only works when everyone actually wants to do a good job, play the game fairly, and really wants to win. We don't have that right now. In my view, we've never had a real election in the spirit of what elections are supposed to be in the past 100 years, possibly ever. That being said, the cultural myth that binds our civilization together is based on this idea of voting and elections, as broke as they are. I don't think it's possible to push a different system onto the culture to change it right now. I think this is why Trump is using the existing system to gain the mandate he needs and then with that he can start to unravel the gordian knot to get us to the point where we can, one day, have a real democratic process. I don't see how this will happen in the next few years, most-likely it's a long term plan.

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Thank you for boiling it down. There is so much to grasp here. No more political parties to divide us and conquer our freedoms anymore please. We need councils.

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My pleasure. I hope it will be as eye opening as I have planned.

Councils seem like a much better solution to parties. Parties are needed when people aren't really able to participate properly in the electoral process as it is truly needed. I'm not sure we've ever had a functioning system in this regard. Hopefully, one day in the future, issues and their effective solutions proposed by citizens or councils or parties will replace the hyper corrupt hazy party system we have today, that reduces everything down to a popularity contest and obscure the real issues we should be focusing on.

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Thank you.

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Fascinating. I am looking forward to reading your past articles and I’ll await for your next article. Can’t wait.

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That's an eye opener about Unam Sanctum. I have encountered that being pushed, but did not realize it had been a big decree by a pope.

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It's quite the rabbit hole. Hopefully the truth will be exposed sooner than later.

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Great insights Justin. I look forward to your deeper analysis of the key points of Agenda 47.

I have passed on your excellent article to every guy I can think of who might have the capacity to process it, and some that won’t!

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Thanks Paul. Working on the first installment now. Hope to have it out soon but might take longer as I'm moving at the end of the month.

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Thanks Justin! Very much look forward to the series!

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I’ve shared this opinion in response to other Badlands authors’ articles; I might as well do so here. I’ll be writing from a Biblical worldview, because that’s been the foundation for my life since I was a teenager - about 50 years ago, now.

I’ve endured a fair amount of melancholy in my life, and I was surprised, upon my first reading of Old Testament historical accounts when I was fresh out of college, that my experience is common to man and is well-articulated in the Bible. Reading about the failings (in the majority) of the ancient Israelites as well as their successes (in the minority), I realized how much we all need a Savior; we can’t do this ourselves because we all carry the seed of corruption - hence the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So, to echo the current president of El Salvador, we must pray for godly wisdom to prevail in our lives.

Now, when we look at those biblical histories, we find that most of their prosperous periods lasted only a generation - 40 years. There was one period during their theocracy that lasted 80 years. What it came down to (if we incorporate passages from Proverbs and many of the prophetic books) was wise, God fearing judges. (These were composed of local elders and national rulers.)

So, aside from wise initiatives of the 47 agenda, if the general populace cannot be convinced to select/elect only wise, God fearing people into positions of future leadership, then Satan’s little Manchurian candidates will continue to spawn from our very midst and ascend unchecked to positions of tyranny and corruption.

Lazy sheep and greedy shepherds will forever be a society’s downfall if an unbroken (and unbreakable) chain-of-custody is not established between individual citizens and the highest judges (rulers) of a nation state. (Read ‘chain-of-custody’ as being a person’s legitimate needs to thrive).

The Bible also gives an example of this. Moses was advised to have rulers of tens, 50s, 100s, and thousands to represent the people (that would be number of family units). With a much greater population in many instances than ancient Israel had, more and larger increments would be required for us.

Another biblical example is the size of a political entity. At the Tower of Babel incident, we’re told that that God confused the Mother Tongue into many languages, and that the people scattered according to their new languages. The previous chapter lays out the original, nascent nation states that arose from this division. God’s design for the present world is the nation state - not global empires. Those come and go because they cannot, by design, perpetually endure the ups and downs of human existence. For example, the Middle East has seen Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Sassanian, Arab and Turkish empires come and go, yet the rump people groups that have been there for thousands of years endure (even if the language of Arab colonialism seems to have blurred some of the distinctions).

So, while it seems clear that this latest iteration of Empire (the globalist cabal) is about to fall apart, it will be up to individual families, communities, townships and cities as to how long the ensuing period of prosperity is going to last. Forty years? Eighty? A hundred? A thousand…?

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Thanks for taking the time to educate us on Agenda 47. Sounds somewhat like a turning point in time. 🙏

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