Dear Patriots: We’ve Suffered Greatly, But We’re Winning, and the Fight Isn’t Over
Th struggle of the past and the great future to come
In honor and observance of what might be the last celebration of Independence Day before this fight of all fights has come to an end, let’s remember how much we’ve suffered, the victories we’ve won, why we fight, and the battles ahead.
For eight long years, we’ve battled against the largest and most well-funded freedom-suppressing machine in history. Long before Trump’s year of capitulation, many of us in the know regarding the corruption of our world felt alone, tired, and disillusioned. In early 2015, no one could have anticipated that a new hope was on the horizon. It seemed like there was nothing to do but tread water on the rising tide of a growing technocratic deep state that continued to invade the sanctity of our lives. Little did we know that a man who truly cared about the people, our constitution, and the freedoms promised by our founding fathers was about to enter the fray.
To many of us, Donald J. Trump seemed like just another rich-boy billionaire who wanted to get his piece of the pie. Others knew that he wasn’t your average New York-born and raised real estate developer. Still others knew who he really was, helping in ways we still have yet to discover.
Trump had a plan—a mission—that was going to change everything. However, he had to do the unthinkable—he had to wage a political and media war against the most well-developed, funded, and sophisticated intelligence agency-backed media monolith of arguably all time. This apparatus ruined lives and reputations, as a matter of course. How could an audacious man like Trump stand a chance?
I remember the start of the 2016 election season, when Trump descended the golden escalator on June 16, 2015. The Simpsons seemed to call it that, which wasn’t necessarily a good sign. The Simpsons also seemed to call things like 9/11, so what did this Trump prophecy mean exactly?
At the time, I personally thought he was just another wealthy scumbag with presidential ambitions, hardly the first to run for the highest office in the land. Then, Trump began to secure decisive victories in the debates. And the media, in a strange yet all-too-familiar lockstep, began their coordinated attacks against him. I started to wonder, “Is this man possibly not part of the elite club of globalist parasites?”
An Echo of Ron Paul
In 2012, Ron Paul, a man of actual integrity and sense—at least in my eyes—ran to be the leader of the free world. (As an aside, that title for POTUS never made that much sense to me since the world hardly felt or feels free, but what do I know?)
It was during the 2012 election season that I first saw the propaganda machine that is the mainstream media initiate a synchronized effort to destroy then-candidate Paul’s reputation, which effectively robbed him of the shot he had at the White House. It worked then, and surely it would work in 2016 with Trump, who was less experienced, more brash, and just a B-grade celebrity. But then, like with Ron Paul, I started thinking that Trump might not be just another globalist hack.
At this point, I was well aware of a great many eyebrow-raising pieces of history, like the JFK assassination, the Tuskegee experiment, and 9/11, to cite just a few examples. I also knew about the Frank Church committee hearings, where the mockingbird media was exposed. This marriage between the media and CIA-like entities is a sordid match made in freedom hell, where intelligence agencies regularly molest the minds of the masses through their Weekend at Bernie's media puppets.
As Trump was getting bashed by the media for the “grab em by the p***y” Access Hollywood tapes, his small hands, and anything else they could throw at him, I remember thinking, “Boy, this feels like it’s happened before with Ron Paul.” The media was already losing credibility in their efforts to smear Trump. In my eyes, this placed him in a different category of candidate. Anyone who is attacked this badly by a media that fails to report actual corruption, like the Franklin scandal, or run cover for Wall Street bailouts is probably a better option than Clinton.
Despite Trump’s popularity, as the 2016 election drew near, it seemed that yet another deep-state stooge, Hillary Clinton, was about to take office and destroy America. Similar to Obama's election as the first black man to hold the presidency, people chose Clinton primarily for her novelty value, despite her open corruption and scandals. Poll after poll, she emerged as the decisive winner.
By this time, by any real standard, Trump had already won every debate he had participated in, both in the primaries and against Clinton. He was already kicking ass and taking names better than anyone else before him. He made many of his Republican primary competitors seem like fools while gaining favor with a growing body of respectable people. No one but Trump could call Rosie O'Donnell a “fat pig,” have every mainstream media outlet on earth go after him, and still manage to gain clout with the American people and even the world.
On election night, I remember the Fox News pundits with uneasiness on their faces as Trump took state after state. They couldn’t believe their eyes. I knew Trump was an underdog, and that was enough, but it was when I could palpably detect the media’s shock and horror, not to mention Hillary Clinton’s, that I realized Trump wasn’t just a surprise winner; he was something much more powerful.
Before his 2016 victory, I remember hearing stories in the summer of 2015 that Trump was actually a good guy, working with other good guys who had woven themselves into the various circles of seedy power in our world. These good guys, or patriots, as I like to call them, managed to go undetected for years, waiting for the right moment, and right man, to begin an operation to—as Trump refers to it—Make America Great Again.
I recount this story because it’s easy to forget how dark things seemed back then and how much of a shock he was to everyone at the time. Here we are, nearly eight years since the 2016 Trump win, and he hasn’t stopped fighting; even seemingly as every tool of the dark arts has been cast against him, he continues on.
Only a Taste But It Was Enough
The dreams of a truly free and prosperous world have kept America alive for over 250 years. These dreams changed the world, even though, ever since, this same world has descended further into tyranny as the globalists gained power in the early 20th century.
The visions of a free and prosperous America fell largely into obscurity until, eight years ago, Trump won the election, and the promise of making America great again actually seemed possible. If anyone could do it, it was Donald Trump, who had so amazingly proven all of us, even his enemies.
In the face of all that was thrust against him, the world did actually get better, “by a lot.” But we knew things were still far from perfect, and I think Trump did too. He knew, like many of us did, that the gauntlet had been laid and the globalists weren’t going to go quietly into the night. They were, and still are, fighting like the cornered animals that they are. “How dare he,” they no doubt think to themselves, “that this disrespectful man come in and ruin our carefully laid plans.”
As humanity seemed to crawl out of feudalistic tyranny, where food, water, and shelter were more abundant than ever, it also came at a terrible price. Let’s take a moment to consider how awful things have gotten since, at some unrecorded date in history, “some very nasty people” infested the halls of power in almost every nation. I believe a major movement towards this decline began in the mid-19th century, but arguably the real beginning was much before that. As the quality of life in our world seemed to improve, freedom and tyranny became more cold, industrialized, and inhuman.
Our food has become increasingly toxic as it becomes more available; our education systems have turned into tools of mass indoctrination as they are easier to access; our economy has been ruined and weaponized as it's more abundant than ever; our reputation as good-hearted Americans has been destroyed; and our lives have only gotten worse and more demanding over the past 100 years, despite the technological advances developed since the first industrial revolution so long ago.
As much as Trump was able to accomplish, it was only a sliver of what could really be done if the tentacles of undue power and influence were finally dealt with once and for all. Would Trump help make this new and better world possible? Some say not, saying that despite all that we’ve seen, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I have to admit that is a possibility, but only a small one in my eyes.
Here’s why.
The globalist vision of the world requires mindless adherence to the splendors of technocracy, complete with 15-minute cities, all the problems of what we've seen over the century, more meaningless distractions, and inhuman industrialization of every area of life. The more we think critically, use our free speech, and seek to decentralize, the more we undermine the globalist visions of the future—all things the Make America Great Again agenda fosters. Trump’s actions and his intentions only seek to magnify this populist zeal for real freedom, fellowship, and, at the core of it all, a meaningful life with faith at the center.
The globalists, on the other hand, have to uproot faith with all its meaning, instilling power from the heart of their technocratic civilization. They have to secularize everything and remove the real freedom that God-inspired people can carve out for themselves. The globalists even dare to replace God with AI, demanding that, like God, we commune with this AI within our very bodies through cybernetic implants.
For example, The Line, a 15-minute city designed for the Middle East, will be built in a place where escape is impossible. Should you choose to leave, the harsh desert would be your only refuge. It will no doubt have every future need for surveillance built-in, with WiFi, cameras, and whatever cybernetic internet of things the globalists have in store. These cities, in my initial review, have more in common with factory farms than places where human life and freedom can flourish.
The globalists use the promise of improved living through technology as a trojan horse to get us to give up our freedoms. Through this covert entrapment, they drew the once-decentralized and autonomous early Americans out of their faith-centered communities and into cities where working long hours to survive was a requirement. Globalists, through their puppet politicians, controlled these cities, making it nearly impossible for more patriotic, better ways of living to take root. We've seen what effect these neo-feudal dense cities have had on freedom, with New York being one of many exemplars of the dystopia the globalists have planned. Trump's vision for the future is the opposite: new cities built with freedom, faith, and merit in mind, with technology serving to free humanity from toil.
One thing I want to make clear is that I believe Trump does not want to be considered some God-like savior of humanity. I believe he wants to awaken within all of us the zeal, passion, and practical industriousness he brings to the table. We all must remain vigilant and not succumb to the temptation to tune out, stop critically thinking, and assume Trump and his chosen government allies have it all figured out. The wisdom of the founding father’s system of government was that it accounted for inevitable corruption, but it also planted the seed of developing an enlightened society where every citizen willingly participates in maintaining and safeguarding the nation for the benefit of all people. In this world, we all do our part to be checks and balances, developing a culture that makes service to our fellows a joy and a necessity for the increasing prosperity and wealth that naturally follow. The true rule of law, as I’ve referred to it and Trump has spoken to, is critical. This is why, I believe, Trump has made exposing the corrupt legal and justice system an important feature of the operation.
Trump and the Patriots’ Vision of the Future
In my opinion, Trump and the America First, Nation First agenda, again with faith at the center, run counter to almost everything the globalists want and have been working for. With this in mind, let’s consider what our world will be like when the hidden hand’s shackles truly come off in 2025 and beyond.
Today, this year, the dream of living in a better world, an age of real peace and prosperity, for the first time in our country’s long history, is truly within grasp.
Trump’s Agenda 47, his plan for his next term in office, promises to deliver a Great America in a way that few of us can appreciate. This greatness will undoubtably also spread to other nations.
As someone who has studied the causes of our civilization’s decline and what it takes to have a truly prosperous future (in nauseating detail), I can assure you that what Trump and the patriots have planned will make the American dream, the dream of the ages, truly possible in a way we can barely fathom.
All of the following goals are possible with Trump’s Agenda 47:
Freedom from endless labor
A healthy world with effective healthcare and nontoxic food, water, and clothing,
A clean environment
A just and honest legal system and government
An end to all forms of slavery, be it debt slavery or insidious human trafficking; and
An ever-stabilizing economy that will accumulate wealth and prosperity with each passing generation.
These are just some of the things that will emerge from the plans for the future.
The splendor of the information age, with all its gadgets, easy access to products and services, and modern heating and electricity, will seem like the candy-coated technicolor dystopia that it truly is. This will not necessarily be because of hyper-advanced technology, although I’m not ruling that out. It will be because, in my opinion, the dream of the founding fathers has never truly been given a chance, but it will have a full chance in the years to come.
Forget the technology for just a moment and consider the fact that we’ve never had even the smallest public office in the US, or the world, free of meddling, conniving, lying globalist infiltrators, and intelligence agency machinations. We’ve never had a truly stable financial system where money isn’t born out of debt and used as a covert tool of mass parasitism. We’ve never had mass media that wasn’t designed, wholesale, to be used as a weapon of psychological warfare or mind-influencing propaganda.
Most of the time, globalists have used everything we enjoy today—from plastics to computers, from mechanized farming to fast distribution chains—as a tool to their advantage. It drains everyone's energy, freedom, prosperity, and creative potential while distracting us from achieving our true potential. It’s as if humanity, like a disillusioned Atlas with the world on his back, has been deceived into thinking the ease of today is the best it’s ever been. We’ve never really, as a whole people and civilization, enjoyed even a fraction of our true potential. A thimble of real freedom and prosperity, just a tiny draft in a dwarfish cup, is what we’re about to quench our freedom thirst with. It is about to swing into action in 2025. This, my freedom-loving friends, will do more to advance our quality of life than nearly anything in the past 250 years—and that’s just the beginning.
Trump isn’t lying when he says, “The best is yet to come.” If our children and their children hold fast to Thomas Jefferson's injunction of eternal vigilance, this world will become a treasure beyond imagining.
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What We’ve Endured Since Trump First Won
Let's face it, unless you belong to the group of elite criminals who have been parasitically draining the nations of the world, it's likely that you've experienced hardship, sickness, sadness, and disillusionment.
Ever since Trump took office, the globalists have unleashed plagues, civil unrest, and economic warfare at a scale previously unimagined. However, it was just the latest volley in a long line of carefully contrived events that benefit globalist oligarchs at the cost of the rest of humanity.
Lives have been labored away with barely any progress from generation to generation other than maintaining subsistence without any true substance of the soul accumulating for posterity. Most people on earth work for decades, with an hour or two of leisure time a day, watching their loved ones do the same. As a reward, sickness visits us in retirement, and the warming glow of a thousand channels of empty entertainment whispers sweet nothings into our ears.
The 2008 financial crisis was just one in a long list of grand cons intended to undermine the middle and working class. As new and seemingly miraculous technologies began to emerge across the previous three industrial revolutions, particularly in the age of information, it appeared that life had only gotten more meaningless and cruel with industrial-grade precision.
COVID came and robbed the world yet again, with the single largest transfer of wealth history has ever seen. The billionaire globalist class, with their legions of media minions and bureaucratic NPCs, got rich while most people were poisoned by the single most damaging medical intervention in human history. Our children, who already suffer in a system that indoctrinates instead of educates, had their formative years ripped away from them with school closures and lockdowns. And if all that wasn't enough, the gender-bending agenda ramped up and traumatized our daughters by taking away their access to true sports competitions, violating the sanctity of their feminine privacy by invading locker rooms and bathrooms, and even destroying their very bodies with off-label mediations and unethical surgeries. For our sons, the very definition of manhood was stripped from cultural sight, decreasing testosterone and leaving most men and boys a drift in an ever man-hating world. Frankly, it’s a miracle everyone hasn’t suffered a nervous breakdown since Trump took office in 2017 and globalists turned the trauma-based tyranny nob up to eleven.
Before that, in 2017, in a more brazen way than ever before, anyone who dared to question the official narrative had their freedom of speech taken away from them in newly justified and ever more sophisticated ways. A censorship hydra, fueled by an intelligence agency that data-mined the world for years propelled by big tech machines, silenced all dissenting opinions. The technocratic surveillance state, which could seemingly know your thoughts well enough to feed you ads for things you haven’t even said out loud yet, began censoring anything but the mainstream narrative online and on social media. In this new age of censorship, you were allowed to speak; it's just that no one would hear you. The blight of shadow bans could consume any unapproved thoughts and make them disappear into the endless scroll of the social media feed. Your age old human urge to speak and be heard was crippled because you believed no one cared enough to like or comment on what you had to say.
If you were tossing red pills on social media platforms back in the days of pre-official censorship in 2016, before things got really dark, it seemed like more and more people were jumping out of their matrix energy-harvesting chambers. I remember the good old days when Twitter used to be filled with great content and YouTube was a wealth of mind-expanding information. Then, the great adpocalypse of 2017 came, and dozens of patriotic anons and truth dispensers were taken out in one fell swoop. This seemingly never-ending censorship onslaught didn’t let up until Biden had entered office, and then, only a little. By then, I had lost everything a few times over, and the golden age of Twitter, YouTube, and Google was long dead and buried. Like the shifting sands of the Sahara engulfing the great civilizations of the pre-diluvian era, the wonder years of the early internet are a fading memory.
By now, the operation was in full swing, and like Trump, it seemingly helped fuel the censorship slaughter. Despite the fact that Q “was a batsh*t crazy conspiracy theory that only idiots believed in,” the entire world seemed to, again, engage in a coordinated media dance to silence it at all costs. Trump only mentioned it a few times, asking reporters how an alleged conspiracy theory that reportedly talked about putting blood-sucking pedophiles and human traffickers in jail could be a bad thing. Half the world thought it was yet another “crazy conspiracy theory,” with those who followed it thinking there was hope for the future, despite “disinformation being necessary.” As soon as Trump took office, another election in 2020 swept America, and with it, the most glaring rigging operations the world had ever collectively witnessed were about to make history.
This is what I take to stay mentally sharp, upbeat and healthy—despite a toxic world full of biowarfare
In what might be the most identifiable case of election "irregularities," a euphemism if there ever was one, the ambulatory Joe Biden, who somehow went from a fairly articulate Vice President for Barack Obama to a bumbling mess, won the 2020 election with the greatest number of votes in US history. And despite enough reasons to suspect wide-scale fraud, the most advanced legal system the world has ever seen, the US justice system, couldn’t seem to find a valid case of wide-spread fraud amid the thousands of eyewitness reports and filed affidavits. Somehow, more people voting than being registered to vote wasn’t “significant” enough to affect the election outcome. Somehow, thousands of dead people, illegals, and even some pets voting wasn’t fraud.
In the face of great disillusionment, the patriots in the US and around the world continued to fight, with Trump and others at the frontlines. Even if everything we once held dear turned out to be just another well-crafted intelligence agency, PSYOP, we would not surrender.
In what was probably the lowest point in recent history, certainly in my years in the fight, Trump, with 17 flags behind him, said he would be back in some form. Those who knew, knew. Those who didn’t fell into pits of despair. And those who wanted anyone but Trump to win and take office got their day, partying like it was a Dunning-Kruger convention on the Titanic's maiden voyage, as the strange yet ominous sound of metal grinding against ice echoed in their ears.
The Biden era quickly ensued and fell upon the land like a plague. Pervasive inflation devoured any remaining prosperity following COVID. Then, the Fed raised interest rates, and the already full-power wealth vacuum cleaner that is the globalist-run economy drained our bank accounts, spiked food costs, and drove up the cost of living to new heights. As usual, the mainstream media spewed lie after lie, with their dimwitted economic experts telling us that the economy had bounced back after COVID and the sting of inflation we all felt wasn’t that bad. The Ukraine conflict started, and it seemed like the good old days of big government grift and graft were back in style. Trump was playing golf, fighting like hell, and trying to do what he could from behind the scenes as the devolution of modern civilization seemed to press on.
Despite all the failings and hardships that touched everyone, with the exception of the elite globalist class and their chosen recipients of bailouts and well-timed stock market windfalls, We the People, those who truly cared about making America great again, continued on. We would not be daunted, but only more determined.
2024 and the Fight to Take Down Trump
As the 2024 race began, we thought we’d seen it all; surely there couldn’t be any more stones thrown at our windows and poison injected into our hearts. But things were just getting started.
The censorship machine was already in full swing, and the lawfare machine that had always been quietly robbing the people for whom America was founded reared up in full force against Trump. Despite this, years before, Twitter, now X, was purchased by Elon Musk. The battle for truth continued on platforms like Telegram, Rumble, and others, which are of low reput but rich with informational bounty.
By this time, Trump had already declared his intent to run in 2024. The political and legal battlefield exploded with pink mist, shattering whatever semblance of trust the people had in their legal system, just as it had in 2016. Trump, as vigilant and strong as ever, never blinked. As if he were receiving regular intelligence reports from God and His angels, Trump carried on seemingly carefree. How could he be so confident with more federal convictions than Al Capone?
Before this, in mid-2023, Trump had bogus case after case drummed up against him. The charges were like high comedy to anyone who took the time to look into them, and they were a serious concern for the legions of normies who trusted their mainstream media shadow puppeteers. Winter turned into spring, and on May 30th, 2024, Trump became the only former President in US history to be convicted of a felony—multiple, actually—while he was the leading candidate in an election. Supposedly half the government and media, which cared so much about “preserving democracy,” couldn’t manage to piece together the single most obvious anti-democratic effort to take down a political rival.
Trump had set yet another record with his conviction. The first was nearly a year before. In 2023, after he began his next bid for the White House, and in the middle of the dog days of summer, Trump was formally arrested in Atlanta, Georgia, where he earned infamy alongside Elvis Presley and Jimmy Hendrix for his mugshot. I was there covering the event for Vigilant News, and the excitement was palpable. This same image would help him raise millions of dollars in campaign donations, only to be eclipsed by his late spring conviction in 2024. Both of these events broke records. As the media spinsters and their globalist stakeholders worked to suppress him, Trump would continue to gain popularity and esteem. Nothing could stop the populist hero of the ages from doing what he was seemingly born to do.
Victory of the Patriots is on the Horizon
As the Trump July 11th sentencing looms, which the judge moved to September 18th, and the 4th of July ebbs closer in anticipation, the freedom-loving Americans and citizens of the world stand behind a man who has earned their respect, admiration, and love. Even those who hate him, after the utter disaster that was the first 2024 debate between Biden and Trump, now must respect him. As the globalists and their pawns and bishops scramble to find another avatar of globalism to compete against the greatest patriot in living memory, Donald J. Trump, the world looks on in anticipation.
Related PANIC IN DC: Green-Lighting the Long Planned PSYOP to Replace Joe Biden
We have suffered greatly. We have endured failure after failure. Every day, week, and month seem to be filled with more fearful events that drain our energy and enthusiasm. The looming threat of World War III and a biblical war in the Middle East grips the world. It’s as if Satan himself has stepped down from his perch as the fallen morning star to cast fear into the hearts of all mankind. Despite this, the hope of a better future and a better world seems closer than ever before.
All these fears are ultimately doomed to only do just that: make us fearful. The return of the master draws near. The globalists can only do what globalists do: cause trouble, steal bread from the peasants, and strike panic into their media minions' hearts, and in doing so, the hearts of the people that uncritically consume this media. Sadly, for them, the harder they try to drag us down, the harder they fight those who love freedom, truth, beauty, and goodness, the more we take up the armor given to us so long ago.
The truth is on our side, God is on our side, and nothing can stop what is coming.
Please tell me what you think or let me know if I got something wrong. I want to hear from you.
Much love,
Justin Deschamps is a researcher, omniologist, podcaster, and business consultant who has committed himself to restoring the knowledge, reason, and goodwill that helped the founding fathers create the greatest nation on earth.
Great article Justin!
That was awesome. Very encouraging.
Thanks Justin!!